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Gone are the days of owning a single device. Now most people have at least two, such as a mobile and a laptop. This poses a problem when you’re trying to access your files, since they might be on your other device.

Device Syncing

Keeping all your devices in sync solves this problem. It typically involves utilising a cloud-service to which your devices connect to exchange data. This data is not just limited to files. You can sync emails, calendars, contacts, music, photos, bookmarks and much more.

Device Syncing has some huge advantages:


No matter which device you have with you, you have all the files and information you need, it’s all up-to-date and it all happened automatically.


There’s no repetition. Delete or file an email on one device and it’s done on all the others. Update a spreadsheet and it’s updated on all the others. Bookmark your favourite websites on one device and they’re bookmarked on all the others. Massive time-saving since you don’t need to repeat the same process on each device.


With all your files and information available on all of your devices, you’re not fully dependent on any one device. So in the event that one of your devices fails, you simply use another.


If you lose your phone or your drive fails in your laptop, you have another copy on your other devices, or in the cloud-service used to sync them. (We recommend having a separate backup system in place which compliments your syncing system in case a corruption or deletion gets synced across devices).



We can advise how best to sync your devices taking into account factors such as security, device-compatibility, reliability and cost so you get the best solution to meet your needs.


Phone 01372 46 4321 for assistance.


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