01372 46 4321 | hello@tiptop.co.uk | Quote for Netcare | Client Portal Remote Support: Desktop | Mobile
Our Annual Service includes over 50 checks, updates and cleanup procedures covering the following areas:
Backup Checks
Ensures you are protected against data loss.
Security Checks
Ensures you are protected against viruses/malware.
Specification Checks
Ensures the computer is fit for purpose.
Software Updates
Ensures you have the latest security patches & features.
System Clean-up
Ensures that your computer is in tip-top condition.
This service is carried out remotely (or in our workshop) and you will provided with a full report.
Should your computer fail any of our checks, we will provide advisories which you can implement yourself or we can implement them for you for an additional charge.
We recommend that computers are serviced at least once per year.
£75+vat = 1 Computer
£50+vat = Each Additional Computer (carried out concurrently)
Phone 01372 46 4321 to book your Annual Service.